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B2B Pod Con 2024

The Premiere B2B Podcast Conference

November 2024
Nashville, Tennessee

Learn How to Scale Your B2B Podcast from Industry Experts

Enjoy two extraordinary days with the best B2B podcast professionals.


Uncover new approaches for scaling your podcast content and processes.


Gain insights into how you can increase listenership and customers for your business.

Why Attend?

Industry Insights &
Best Practices
for Growth
Resources & Tools
Connect with Peers
  • This is the premiere conference focused solely on the challenges of B2B podcasting

  • Learn from industry leaders, experienced podcasters, and content strategists

  • Connect with fellow content creators, marketers, and technical professionals in the B2B podcasting space, along with thought leaders.

  • Discover effective strategies for growing your podcast audience and increasing listener engagement.

  • Learn how to convert listeners into customers through targeted marketing and content strategies.

  • Gain access to presentation slides, recorded sessions, and key takeaways post-conference.

  • Discover the latest tools and technologies in podcast production and marketing.

  • Be part of the inaugural event and contribute to shaping the future of the B2B podcasting community.

  • Join a growing community of B2B podcast enthusiasts, engage in discussions, and share experiences.

The Conference

Who We Are

Podcasts are one of the best ways to build trust with potential customers and to create a base of content that can be used for marketing and sales. Much of the podcast industry is focused on B2C or on entertainment. We want to create a conference specifically for you in the B2B space.

The B2B Pod Con is designed for you in the B2B space. Learn, network, and glean insights on how to make your process better and improve your lead generation. Walk away motivated, encouraged, and with a few ideas you can implement immediately.

The mission of the B2B Pod Con is to provide information and resources for leveraging podcast to grow businesses.

Our goal is to be the premiere event for B2B Podcast Professionals


Two Learning Tracks

Track 1:
Scaling Your Production and Content Process
Track 2:
How to Get Listeners and Convert Them to Customers

Our Speakers

Learn from some of the best in the industry:

Joe Casabona

Podcast Producer

& Coach

Rita Richa Headshot_edited.jpg

Rita Richa

Executive Producer

Reignite Media


Jeremy Shere

Founder & CEO



More to come!


Our Partners

If your company is interested in sponsoring the B2B Pod Con, email for more information. 

Don't miss out!

Tickets go on sale at their best price on July 24, 2024!
Sign up NOW to learn more about the B2B Pod Con. Be the first to learn about the speakers and sessions you can experience in Nashville.
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